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Wolfram Hinzen

Wolfram Hinzen

Universitat Pompeu Fabra


I obtained a Magister (Freiburg, 1993), an MA (King's College London, 1994), and a PhD (philosophy, Bern, 1996), before becoming a Swiss-government funded postdoctoral researcher in Stuttgart (1996-7) and New York (1997-9). I was first employed in an academic position as Assistant Professor in Regensburg (1999), then as Lecturer at the Universitat van Amsterdam (2003-2006), before becoming a full professor at Durham University (2006-2014) and an ICREA Research Professor in Barcelona in April 2013. I also was a guest professor at Hong Kong University (2010) and at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (2011).

Research interests

I study the structural organization and function of language in the human mind/brain. My current research largely focuses on how disorders of language and cognition illuminate the relation between these two. The theoretical basis of this research is laid down in a series of monographs (Mind Design, 2006), An Essay on Names and Truth, 2007), and The Philosophy of Universal Grammar, 2013), all from Oxford University Press. The mental disorders my group studies was psychosis at first, after which we included autism, dementia, aphasia, and syndromic developmental disorders. I have directed three international projects (NWO, 2006-2011; AHRC/DFG, 2009-2012; AHRC, 2014-2017), and three Spanish ones. In Barcelona I have founded and direct the Grammar & Cognition lab (, which pursues the project of a typology of linguistic diversity across clinical populations, using a range of methods from behavioural linguistic analysis to MRI to EEG to machine learning.

Selected publications

– Fuentes-Claramonte P, Soler-Vidal J, Salgado-Pineda P, … Hinzen W, McKenna P,  & Pomarol‑Clotet E 2021, ‘Auditory hallucinations activate language and verbal short-term memory, but not auditory, brain regions‘. Sci Rep11, 18890.

– Slusna, Dominika; Rodriguez, Andrea; Salvado, Berta; Vicente, Agustin; Hinzen, Wolfram 2021, ‘Relations between language, non-verbal cognition, and conceptualization in non- or minimally verbal individuals with ASD across the lifespan’, Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, 6, 23969415211053264.

– Linke, A., Slušná, D., Kohli, J. S., Álvarez-Linera, J., Müller, R.-A., Hinzen, W. 2021. ‘Morphometry and functional connectivity of auditory cortex in school-age children with profound language disabilities: five comparative case studies’. Brain & Cognition 155, 105822.

– Martin, T., Sitaridou, I., & Hinzen, W. (2021). ‘Correlations between Case and the D-system and the interpretability of Case’. Borealis – An’ Iternational Journal of Hispanic Linguistics10(2), 238–263.

– Martin T & Hinzen W 2021. ‘De se or not de se: A question of grammar‘. Language Sciences, 85, 101343.

– Schroeder, K., S. Durrleman, D. Çokal, A. Sanfeliu Delgado, A. Masana Marin, W. Hinzen, 2021, ‘Relations between intensionality, theory of mind and complex syntax in autism spectrum conditions and typical development‘, Cognitive Development, vol. 59,101071,

Selected research activities

Since 2021 I am part of the steering committee of the worldwide consortium DISCOURSE, edicated to the study of language in psychosis (

ICREA Memoir 2021