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Josefa Toribio

Josefa Toribio

Universitat de Barcelona


I got my PhD in Philosophy from Complutense University, Madrid, in 1988. I worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at Complutense between 1989 and 1991. I was then awarded a postgraduate fellowship by the British Council to work in the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences at the University of Sussex (1991-93). I was Assistant Professor at Washington University in St. Louis (1993-2000), Lecturer in Philosophy in the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences at the University of Sussex (2000-2002), Associate Professor at the University of Indiana, Bloomington (2002-2004), and Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh (2004-2008). I joined ICREA in 2009. I am a member of the research group LOGOS (Research Group in Analytic Philosophy) at the UB and also a member of the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy (BIAP). I have been president of the Spanish Society of Analytic Philosophy (SEFA) between 2010 and 2016.

Research interests

My goal in philosophy has long been the same: to explore the nature of the mind within a naturalistic framework. What is most distinctive of my research is my ongoing effort to respect scientific findings about mental phenomena while insisting on the critical importance of the method of analysis and the theoretical tools provided by analytic philosophy. My current research focuses on the analysis of central topics in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of cognitive science, with a special emphasis on the philosophy of perception and rationally responsive unconscious mental states such as implicit attitudes.

Selected publications

Toribio J 2021, “Accessibilism, implicit bias, and epistemic justification”. Synthese 198 (Supp. 7): S1529–S1547.

Toribio J 2021, ‘Are visuomotor representations cognitively penetrable? Biasing action-guiding vision‘, Synthese 198 (Suppl. 17): S4163–S4181.

Toribio J 2021, ‘Implicit Bias and the Fragmented Mind‘. In Dirk Kindermann, Cristina Borgoni and Andrea Onofri (Eds.), The Fragmented Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Part V. Chapter 12.

– Fernández Vargas MA & Toribio J 2021, “Una explicación aretaica del impacto de los sesgos implícitos sobre la justificación de las creencias”. In David Pérez Chico and Modesto Gómez (Eds.) Ernesto Sosa: Conocimiento y Virtud. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 187–210.

Selected research activities

Invited Presentations

Toribio, J. “Biases and Vices”. Department of Philosophy. U. of Glasgow. 02/02/2021.

Toribio, J. “Los prejuicios como práctica habitual”. SWIP Analytic Spain. U. La Laguna. 01/04/2021.

Toribio, J. “Harmful habits: responsibility for implicitly biased behaviour”. LOGOS. UB. 29/09/2021.

Toribio, J. “Sesgos implícitos: filosofía, neurociencia y psicología social”. Opening lecture. MA in Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience. U. Granada. 30/09/2021.

Toribio, J. “Blame’s worth without blameworthiness”. Workshop “Awareness, Self-Awareness, and Unawareness. UB. 19/10/2021.

Toribio, J. “Harmful habits: responsibility for implicitly biased behaviour”. CanLag Research Group. U, Lisboa. 12/11/2021.


2019-2022: Awareness, self-awareness, and unawareness: exploring the perception-cognition-action continuum. MICINN. PGC2018-095909-B-100. PI

Research Management

Organizer of the workshop “Awareness, Self-Awareness, and Unawareness” funded by MICINN PGC2018-095909-B-I00. Barcelona, October 18-19, 2021.

Scientific Committees

X Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Salamanca, November 16-17, 2021.


MA CCiL. Philosophy of Language and Cognition. UB.

ICREA Memoir 2021