The ICREA Conference Awards fund international conferences and workshops at the highest level, including among its participants world leaders in the fields covered by the events. The Awards are given annually, following a competition restricted to ICREA researchers.

The awarded events may be devoted to any area of knowledge that is relevant to the research carried out by the applicants, although priority is given to cutting-edge fields and interdisciplinary subjects.


The following is the ICREA Conference Award granted in 2016:

  • “ICREA Conference across tumour heterogeneity and evolution in cancer: from in silico studies to clinical impact”

Pablo Menéndez, ICREA at the Institut de Recerca contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras (IJC), Joan Seoane, ICREA at the Vall d’Hebron Institute d’Oncologia (VHIO), Núria López-Bigas, ICREA at the Institut de Recerca Biomedica (IRB Barcelona) and David Torrents, ICREA at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS)


These are the conferences held in 2016:

  • ICREA International Symposium on “BioNanoVision of cellular architecture: from the nucleus to the cell membrane”

Maria Garcia-Parajo, ICREA at the Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO), Melike Lakadamyali, Professor at the Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO) and Pia Cosma, ICREA at the Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG).
Place and date: Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO), Castelldefells. 25-27 May 2016.
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  • ICREA Conference on ‘Functional Molecular Nanocontainers’

Ciara O’Sullivan, ICREA at the Univiersitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) and Pablo Ballester, ICREA at the Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ)
Place and date: Auditorium of the CaixaForum, Tarragona . 17-20 October 2016.
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  • ICREA Workshop on ‘Personhood and the Locked-in Syndrome’

Fernando Vidal, ICREA at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Gustavo Deco, ICREA at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Place and date: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Bellaterra. 17&18 November 2016.


This lecture series is yet another initiative in the ongoing joint project of the CCCB and the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA – Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies) which aims to inform the public about the challenges being faced by advanced research being done in Catalonia today.

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Is Ageing a Disease?


In a society whose people are living longer and longer, research into the process of ageing has become essential. Most living beings age and die. However, death is often not a direct consequence of ageing but the result of illnesses associated with advancing years, for example Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. In these cases, what is the cause of death? Illness or the fact of ageing? Some people have even raised the question of whether ageing itself is a disease. Scientific research in the field is advancing at an exponential rate, so fast that we can now start wondering whether, some day, science will be able to reverse a process which we have thus far believed to be inevitable.


8 November 2016

What is known about brain ageing and therapies to prevent it?
Brain ageing and its therapies
Lecture by Miguel Chillón, ICREA Research Professor at the Institut de Neurociències of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (INc-UAB) and at the Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR).
Presented by Jaume Vilalta, director of the TV3 programme “Quèquicom”.
For further information and video click here


15 November 2016

​Several kinds of animals are able to regenerate parts of their body after an amputation. Would it be possible to apply these techniques in the human being?
Can humans regenerate their organs?
Lecture by Maria Pia Cosma ICREA Research Professor at the Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG).
Presented by David Bueno, lecturer in Genetics at the University of Barcelona (UB) and science commentator.
For further information and video click here


22 November 2016

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s. There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease as yet but can it be avoided by slowing down ageing?
Pathologies of Ageing: Parkinson’s disease
Lecture by Miquel Vila, ICREA Research Professor at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR).
Presented by Núria Jar, freelance journalist.
For further information and video click here


29 November 2016

Will science be able to cure Alzheimer’s, the most frequent neurodegenerative disease?
Pathologies of Ageing: Alzheimer’s disease
Lecture by Elena Galea, ICREA Research Professor at the Institut de Neurociències of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (INc-UAB).
Presented by Jordi Camí, Professor of Pharmacology at the Pompeu Fabra University, Director of the PRBB (Barcelona Biomedical Research Park) and of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation for Research into Alzheimer’s Disease.
For further information and video click here

© CCCB, 2016. Author: Miquel Taverna

ICREAs at the Dia de la Ciència a les Escoles (Science Day at Schools)

16 November 2016

ICREA Researchers took an active role once again in the Dia de la Ciència a les Escoles (Science Day at Schools). This is a popular annual activity, organized by the Catalan Government and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI), and one of the highlights of the Setmana de la Ciència (Science Week). The activity consists of a large number of science talks (101 this year) addressed to high school students all over Catalonia and delivered on the same day by scientists of all disciplines. The goal is to awaken the interest for science and technology among the young people.

Here are the ICREAs who participated in the 2016 sessions:

Jordi Arbiol (ICN2)
Veient els àtoms de prop: un viatge al nanomón. Auditori Pere Quart. Sabadell, Barcelona

Joaquin Arribas (VHIR)
Investigación en Cáncer. Biblioteca Jaume Fuster. Barcelona

Àlex Bach (IRTA)
La producció de llet: De la cèl·lula al got, passant per la vaca. Sala La Cate. Figueres, Barcelona

Joan Bagaria (UB)
L’infinit i les seves paradoxes. Sala d’actes INS Sant Quirze. Sant Quirze del Vallès, Barcelona

Carme Belarte (ICAC)
La feina dels arqueòlegs i la col·laboració amb altres científics. Institut Sant Pere i Sant Pau. Tarragona

Francesc Burjachs (IPHES)
L’ofici d’arqueobotànic. Teatre Principal. Valls, Tarragona

Roberto Emparan (UB)
Hasta el infinito, y más allá! Agujeros negros, ondas gravitatorias, y los límites del Universo. Teatre Els Costals. Castellbisbal, Barcelona

Toni Gabaldón (CRG)
El microbioma humà. Institut Ramon Berenguer IV. Amposta, Tarragona

Aurelio Juste (IFAE)
El Bosón de Higgs y la Frontera de la Física. Teatre Municipal Aqua. Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona

Tomàs Marquès (UPF)
Cosins de ximpanzes i parents de Neandertals. La genetica aplicada a l’evolucio. Col·legi Jardí. Granollers, Barcelona

Jaume Martínez (CRAG)
Les plantes: ¿viuen o vegeten? Escola d’Arts Gràfiques Antoni Algueró. Sant Just Desvern, Barcelona

Bienvenido Martínez (IPHES)
Orce: Un “spa” per a mamuts, hominids i hienes. INS Puig Castellar. Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Barcelona

Pere Martínez (UB)
L’ evolució dels organismes i la la biologia molecular. Teatre de Blanes. Blanes, Girona

Pablo Menéndez (IJC)
¿Porque la biomedicina es más importante económicamente que la medicina? Institut Eugeni d’Ors. L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Ramon Miquel (IFAE)
Observant l’univers invisible. Institut Vil·la Romana de La Garriga. La Garriga, Girona

Gustavo A. Slafer (UdL)
¿Cómo saben las plantas cuando deben florecer? INS Canigó. Almacelles, Lleida

Martín Sombra (UB)
El que diuen els nombres. Cèntric Espai Cultural (Auditori). El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona

Juan Valcárcel (CRG)
Lo que queda por descubrir de nuestros genomas. Ins Menéndez y Pelayo. Barcelona

Licia Verde (UB)
Comprender el Universo. INS Frederic Mompou. Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Barcelona