Jaime F. Martínez-García

Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica (CRAG)

Life & Medical Sciences

After graduating in Biology (06/1987, Universitat de València), I got my PhD (01/1993, Universitat de València) working on how plants regulate their growth in response to environmental light conditions. Next, I did three postdocs: in Cathie Martin’s group (John Innes Center, Norwich, UK) working on plant transcription factors (03/1993-10/1995); in Peter Quail’s team (Plant Gene Expression Center, UC-Berkeley, USA) to work on phytochrome signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana (01/1996-01/2000); and Salomé Prat laboratory (Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain), working on photoperiod-regulated potato tuberization (01/2000-10/2001). In November 2001, I’ve got a permanent position as an ICREA Research Professor and established my own research group. Currently, I develop my research in the CRAG (Barcelona), studying how plants respond to vegetation proximity.

Research interests

Plants respond to vegetation proximity by elicitng a series of responses known as the shade avoidance syndrome (SAS). In the model system Arabidopsis thaliana, the most obvious SAS response in seedlings is the induction of the hypocotyl elongation. To modulate these responses, plants employ a large amount of regulatory components that form complex transcriptional regulatory networks. Many of these components are transcriptional regulators, as well as specific components of the nuclear pore complex. Recently, we have expanded our research to other plant species closely related to Arabidopsis that tolerate (instead of avoid) plant shade. This is the case of Cardamine hirsuta, a species that is amenable for genetic, cellular and molecular analyses.This new approach is allowing us to perform comparative genetic analyses between both species.

Selected publications

– Roig-Villanova I © & Martínez-García JF © 2016, ‘Plant responses to vegetation proximity: a whole life avoiding shade’, Front Plant Sci., 7, 236. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00236.

– Gallemi M, Galstyan A, Paulisic S, Then C, Ferrandez-Ayela A, Lorenzo-Orts L, Roig-Villanova I, Wang X, Micol JL, Ponce MR, Devlin PF, Martinez-Garcia JF 2016, ‘DRACULA2 is a dynamic nucleoporin with a role in regulating the shade avoidance syndrome in Arabidopsis’, Development, 143, 9, 1623 – 1631.

Selected research activities

– Teacher of the Master of Molecular Biology and Biomedicine (Univ. Cantabria and Univ. País Vasco). 28 October, Santander.

– Invited spaker at the XXXIX Reunión Anual SBBMChile – Symposium 5, Photobiology: From gene expression to optogenetics. 27-30 September. Puerto Varas, Chile.

– Invited talk at the CBGP (UPM-INIA). 4 March, Madrid.