Before joining UPF, Prof. Rossi was Associate Professor (with tenure) at Duke University. She held visiting positions at the Philadelphia Fed, University of California-Berkeley, ENSAE-CREST, University of Montreal, Atlanta Fed, UCSD, and Concordia University. Prof. Rossi is the editor of the Journal of Applied Econometrics and a coeditor of the International Journal of Central Banking, and served as associate editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Quantitative Economics and Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. She is a CEPR Fellow and member of the CEPR Business Cycle Dating Committee, a member of the Council of the European Economic Association, the Vice Chair of the Scientific Committee of the EABCN and a director of the International Association for Applied Econometrics. Currently she is also a research associate at CREI and a Barcelona GSE Research Professor. Her past or present grants include NSF, ERC, MICINN, BBVA and Marie Curie CIG.