Jose Apesteguia

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Social & Behavioural Sciences

Jose Apesteguia received his PhD in Economics from the Public University of Navarra in 2001. Since then he has been at the University of Bonn as a post-doc and at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, first as a "Ramón y Cajal" fellow and then as an ICREA Research Professor.

Research interests

In my research I study individual decision-making with an emphasis on its psychological foundations. I use theoretical tools as well as adopt an empirical approach to try to better understand individual decision-making, and to improve the predictive power of the decision-making models in economic environments.

Selected research activities

– Invited Seminars: University of Zurich, Public University of Navarre, Carlos III University of Madrid, University of Exeter, University of the Basque Country, University of Alicante.

– Short research visits: New York University and University of Oxford.

– Organizer of the Barcelona GSE Summer Forum Workshop on “Stochastic Choice”, June 2016.

– Teaching:

  • Bounded Rationality in Choice, PhD in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
  • Topics in Microeconomics, BSc in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.