Pau Baizán

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Social & Behavioural Sciences

Pau Baizán is ICREA Research Professor at Pompeu Fabra University, where he teaches demography. Previously, he was research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2000-2002), doctoral student and teaching assistant at the University of Louvain (1996-1999), where he obtained his PhD in Demography, and research associate at the University of Cambridge (1994-1995).

Research interests

My research focuses in two main areas: a) the study of the trends and patterns of family formation dynamics and, b) the changing patterns and determinants of migration between Africa and Europe. I explore several theoretical perspectives to explain the observed behaviour and apply quantitative techniques to disentangle the relationships between processes. For instance, I investigate questions such as “To what extent do employment insecurity and de-standarisation of work patterns affect the likelihood to enter a partnership and to have a child?”, “How does this impact vary across countries, regions and different welfare state regimes?”, “What is the impact of changing gender roles on fertility behaviour?”, “What are the causes of African migration?”, “How migration influences family behaviour?”.

Selected publications

Baizan P, Arpino B & Delclós CE 2016, ‘The effect of gender policies on fertility: the moderating role of education and normative context’, European Journal of Population, 32(1): 1-30.

Baizan P & González-Ferrer A 2016, ‘What drives Senegalese migration to Europe? The role of economic restructuring, labor demand and the multiplier effect of networks’, Demographic Research, 35(13):339-380.

Baizan P 2016, ‘The policy context of fertility in Spain: toward a gender-egalitarian model?’, In: Rindfuss R & Choe M (eds), Low fertility, institutions, and their policies: Variations across industrialized countries, New York/Heidelberg: Springer, 195-220. ISBN: 978-3-319-32995-6.

Selected research activities

PI of the MINECO project Migration systems in comparative perspective: Mexico-USA and Subsaharan Africa-Europe (CSO2012-37920).

Co-PI of the MINECO project Socio-Demographic Consequences of the Great Recession: Altered Class and Gender Relations? (CSO2016-80484-R).

Co-PI of the project Low Fertility, Labor Market, and Family: Factors, Outcomes, and Policy Implications. East-West Center (Honolulu, USA) and Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs.


Demographic Changes and Social Dynamics” and “Migration and Society“. Master in Sociology and Demography, UPF.

PhD thesis supervised and defended in 2016:

Antonina Levatino, “Brain Training – Brain Draining. Skilled Migration, Student Mobility and Transnational Higher Education”, UPF.


“How international migration impacts fertility? The role of migrant networks, spouse’s migration, and own migration”, European Population Conference.

“Socio-economic status of couples, job characteristics, and fertility in Spain”, invited talk given at  the conference “Low Fertility, Labor Market, and Family: Factors, Outcomes, and Policy Implications”, East-West Center and the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs.

“The Impact of Migration to Europe on Senegalese Children’s Educational Investments”, IMISCOE conference.