Alejandro Coroleu

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)


After studying Classics and Renaissance Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona, I undertook postdoctoral research at The Warburg Institute (University of London). I taught and researched at the University of Nottingham between 1995 and 2008. I have also been Visiting Lecturer at the University of Cambridge and at the University of Salzburg. In 2009 I accepted a Research Professorship at ICREA in the Department of Catalan at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where I am conducting research on Renaissance literary culture. Since 1 March 2012 I am also an Honorary Senior Research Fellow, attached to the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (University of Nottingham).

Research interests

Classical and Comparative Literature: Latin literary culture in Europe (1500-1780).

Intellectual History and Renaissance Studies: Hispanic, Italian and European Humanism.

The reception of Greek and Roman literatures in Catalunya (1480-1750).

Selected publications

Coroleu A 2016, ‘Pere Miquel Carbonell i les novetats que venien d’Itàlia’, in Pere Miquel Carbonell i el seu temps (1434 – 1517), ed. Guzmán Almagro A, Espluga X & Ahn M, Barcelona: Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres, pp. 137-45.

Coroleu A 2016, ‘On the reception of Erasmu’s Latin translation of the New Testament in sixteenth-century Spain’, The Bible Translator, 67, 1, pp. 56-68.

Coroleu A 2016, Review of Fritsen A ‘Antiquarian Voices: The Roman Academy and the Commentary Tradition on Ovid’s Fasti’, Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2015, in H-Italy, H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine, pp. 1-2.

Coroleu A 2016, Review of Severi A ‘Filippo Beroaldo il Vecchio un maestro per l’Europa. Da commentatore di classici a classico moderno (1481–1550)’, Bologna, Società editrice il Mulino, International Journal of the Classical Tradition.

Selected research activities

– I have co-organised the following conferences:

 Latin and Vernacular in Renaissance Iberia, VI: Einfache Formen, London, 4 March 2016.

 Traduction et réception: la littérature française des xive et xve siècles, Barcelona, 15 July 2016.

 Llibres i lectors a la Corona d’Aragó (1380-1550), Barcelona, 30 September 2016.

– I have given a paper at an international conference held in Barcelona.

– I served as assessor for the executive government agency of the Polish National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki – NCN).

– I have refereed the Spanish contributions to the Acta of the 2015 IANLS conference to be published in June 2018.

– I have sat on the editorial board of FuturoClassico (Università di Bari); ITACA: Quaderns de Cultura Clàssica (Barcelona); and Studia Aurea (Universitat de Girona).

– Guest lecturer: Three seminars on Ancient history and culture at the University of Portland (Salzburg Program) in January 2016; one seminar on Renaissance humanism within the Màster en Recerca en Humanitats (Unversitat de Girona, March 2016).