Alexander Fidora

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)


Alexander Fidora, born 1975 in Offenbach (Germany), studied philosophy at the University of Frankfurt and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He obtained his PhD in 2003 at Frankfurt University, where he has been co-director of a DFG-research project. In 2006 he accepted a position at ICREA in the Department of Ancient and Medieval Studies of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he is also Executive Director of the Institute of Medieval Studies. He has been a Visiting Professor at Saint Louis University, the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico, the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been distinguished with the "Premi Internacional Catalònia" (2011) and the "Samuel Toledano Prize" (2012). He is a member of the board of the SIEPM. Member of the board of the YAE and Chair of its SH domain. Co-editor of the "Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies".

Research interests

Alexander Fidora is working on the interreligious dimensions of medieval Hispanic philosophy. In particular, he studies cultural contacts between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, such as: reception, interpretation and transformation of philosophical and theological translations from Arabic by Jewish and Christian authors; Latin philosophy into Hebrew; Polemics, controversial theology and interreligious dialogue in the Middle Ages; and Consequences of the confrontation between the three religions of the Book for the formation of European culture (ERC-Research Projects “The Latin Talmud” and “Latin Philosophy into Hebrew”).

Selected publications

– Ramon Llull 2016, ‘Der Baum der Liebesphilosophie’, eingel. von Fidora A, aus dem Katalan, von G. Schib, Barcelona/Münster.

Fidora A 2016, ‘Ramon Llull. Seventh Centenary’, editor of the special issue of Mirabilia Journal, 23/2.

Fidora ATischler M 2016, ‘Zwischen Avignon, München und Tortosa. Die Defensor pacis-Handschrift des Marsilius von Padua in der Bibliothek Benedikts XIII’, Scriptorium, 69, pp. 179-189.

Fidora A & Cecini U 2016, ‘Nicholas Donin’s Thirty-Five Articles Against the Talmud…’, in Burnett Ch & Mantas P (eds.), Ex Oriente Lux’, Translating Words…, Córdoba/London, pp. 187-199.

Fidora A 2016, ‘Die Handschrift 19b des Arxiu Capitular de Girona: Ein Beitrag zur Überlieferungsgeschichte des lateinischen Talmud’, in Lehner H-Ch et al. (eds), Zwischen Rom und Santiago. Festschrift für Klaus Herbers…, Bochum, pp. 49-56.

Fidora A 2016, ‘Omnes decepti sunt. Die Metaphysikkritik des Dominicus Gundissalinus (ca. 1150)’, in Krieger G (eds), Die Metaphysik des Aristoteles im Mittelalter, Berlin, pp. 131-152.

Fidora A 2016, ‘Juan el Damasceno y el debate sobre la naturaleza del universal en el siglo XIV: Guido Terrena y Pedro Tomás’, in Fuertes JL & Poncela À (eds), De natura…, 2 vols., Ribeirão, vol. I, pp. 395-404.

Fidora A 2016, ‘Combinatòria i reciprocitat. Una nota sobre la vigència de l’Art lul·liana’, in Ramon Llull i els Diàlegs Mediterranis, Barcelona, pp. 142-145.

Fidora A 2016, ‘Ramon Llull: L’Art com a mètode’, Tribuna plural: La revista científica de la RAED, 11/3, pp. 57-61.

Selected research activities

In 2016 Fidora gave seven papers in Germany, Italy,Tunisia, etc. and (co)-organized four congresses and workshops, among which the two commemorative congresses of Ramon Llull’s 7th Centenary (Palma and Barcelona), and the International Congress of SOFIME (Barcelona), of which he was the Chair until the end of this year.