After defending my PhD thesis in July 1988 at the University of Heidelberg under the supervision of Prof. H.G. Dosch, I had several positions including scientific associate at TU Munich, a fellowship at CERN (Geneva) and research assistant again at Heidelberg Univ. In February 1996, I completed my Habilitation at the University of Heidelberg. In April 1998, I was awarded a Heisenberg fellowship by the DFG, which I occupied until October 2004. During this period I replaced two professors one at Heidelberg Univ. and the other one at LMU Munich, I spent some time as a visiting researcher at Fermilab (USA), and in July 2003 I was awarded an Apl. professorship by Heidelberg Univ. I am employed with ICREA since April 2005. My scientific work until today includes more than ninety publications which so far received more than 6,700 citations.