Selected publications
– Knighton T 2016, Companion to Music in the Age of the Catholic Monarchs, Brill, Leiden.
– Knighton T (ed.) 2016, Els sons de Barcelona a l’edat moderna, Textures 6, MUHBA, Barcelona.
– Knighton T 2016, ‘Musical instruments in the domestic sphere in early modern Barcelona’, in Tess Knighton (ed.), Els sons de la Barcelona Moderna, Textures 6, Barcelona: MUHBA, pp 131-151.
– Knighton T 2016,‘Traditions and transitions: instrumental music at the court of Ferdinand and Isabel’, in Companion to Music in the Age of the Catholic Monarchs, Tess Knighton(ed.), Leiden, Brill, pp 97-144.
Selected research activities
2016 has been an intense and exciting year, with the completion of the four-year Marie Curie research project Urban musics and musical practices in sixteenth-century Europe and the publication of two collections of essays.
Els sons de Barcelona a l’edat moderna (MUHBA) will hopefully have an impact beyond as well as within the academic field. The eight essays cover aspects of the urban soundworld of Barcelona from the perspective of the listener(s). It affords an interdisciplinary approach to the sounds of a single city–bells, music, lectures and reading aloud, sounds heard on festive occasions and in domestic contexts–as experienced by its citizens.
The Companion to Music in the Age of the Catholic Monarchs (Leiden: Brill) forms the first in a new music history series and the first major study of music in the Spanish Kingdoms in English for over fifty years, with fifteen essays by experts from Spain, Great Britain, Israel and the USA. Music and culture are studied from different perspectives including: sacred and secular music-making in royal and aristocratic circles; the cathedral music environment; liturgy and power; musical connections with Portugal, Rome and the New World; theoretical and unwritten musical practices; women as patrons and performers; and the legacy of Jewish musical tradition. Hopefully this book will finally help to establish musical culture of the Iberian Peninsula within a broader European context in future reference works.