Vladimir Laukhin

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (CSIC - ICMAB)

Engineering Sciences

Born in Russia in 1945, graduated at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1969. PhD (Physics) in 1975 at the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where he was subsequently Junior Scientist, Senior Researcher and Leading Researcher (1969-2001). Since 2001 he is an ICREA Research Professor at ICMAB-CSIC (Barcelona). He has held invited Professor positions at: Laboratoire de Physique des Solides et SNCMP, Toulouse (France); Department of Physics, SANY, Buffalo (USA); Kyoto University (Japan); Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford (UK), et al. He has 237 publications, which have been cited in total 3383 times in 2536 documents. h-index: 31.

Research interests

The materials object of my scientific activity are strongly correlated systems, and the properties that trigger our interest are mainly the electrical and magnetic ones. This research may contribute to paving the way towards a new generation of electric-field controlled spintronic devices as well as plastic electronic devices. The last ones, based on multifunctional conducting organic materials to be used for fabrication of very sensitive flexible pressure or temperature sensors and electronic circuits, represent an interest, e.g. for biomedical applications.

Selected publications

– Laukhina E, Lebedev V, Rovira C, Laukhin V & Veciana J 2016, ‘Attractive mechanical properties of a lightweight highly sensitive bi layer thermistor: polycarbonate/organic molecular conductor’, 5th International Conference On Materials And Applications For Sensors And Transducers (ic-mast2015), 108, 012050.

Laukhin V, Lebedev V, Laukhina E, Rovira C & Veciana J 2016, ‘Highly sensitive multi-layer pressure sensor with an active nanostructured layer of an organic molecular metal’, 5th International Conference On Materials And Applications For Sensors And Transducers (ic-mast2015), 108, 012038.

– Audouard A, Fortin J-Y, Vignolles D, Laukhin VN, Kushch ND & Yagubskii EB 2016, ‘New insights on frequency combinations and ‘forbidden frequencies’ in the de Haas-van Alphen spectrum of kappa-(ET)(2)Cu(SCN)(2)’, Journal Of Physics-condensed Matter, 28, 27, 275702.