Selected publications
– Martínez-Navarro B & Sala R (Eds.) 2016, ‘ORCE: HOMININOS, HIENAS, MAMUTS Y OTRAS BESTIAS’, Depósito Legal: SE 1014-2016, Edita Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, 329 pág.
– Alba DM, Madurell-Malapeira J, Delson E, Vinuesa V, Susanna I, Patrocinio Espigares M, Ros-Montoya S & Martinez-Navarro B 2016, ‘First record of macaques from the Early Pleistocene of Incarcal (NE Iberian Peninsula)’, Journal Of Human Evolution, 96, 139 – 144.
– Rodriguez-Gomez G, Palmqvist P, Rodriguez J, Mateos A, Martin-Gonzalez JA, Patrocinio Espigares M, Ros-Montoya S & Martinez-Navarro B 2016, ‘On the ecological context of the earliest human settlements in Europe: Resource availability and competition intensity in the carnivore guild of Barranco Leon-D and Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce, Baza Basin, SE Spain)’, Quaternary Science Reviews, 143, 69 – 83.
– Blain HA, Lozano-Fernandez I, Agustí J, Bailon S, Menendez Granda L, Espigares Ortiz MP, Ros-Montoya S, Jimenez Arenas JM, Toro-Moyano I, Martinez-Navarro B & Sala R 2016, ‘Refining upon the climatic background of the Early Pleistocene hominid settlement in western Europe: Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva-3 (Guadix-Baza Basin, SE Spain)’, Quaternary Science Reviews, 144, 132 – 144.
– Karoui-Yaakoub N, Mtimet MS, Bejaoui S, Amri L, Khalloufi N, Ben Aissa L & Martínez-Navarro B 2016, ‘Middle-to-Late Pleistocene malacofauna from the archeopaleontological site of Oued Sarrat (Tajerouine area, NW Tunisia)’, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9: 345.