Sandra Montón-Subías

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)


1988: BSc Geography and History (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain). 1993: PhD History (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). I began my research at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, studying processes of emerging complexity in Mediterranean Bronze Age societies. Since then, I have worked at the University of Athens, at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, at the University of Cambridge, at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, at the University of California Santa Cruz, at the Northwestern University, at the National Taiwan University, at the University of Guam, at German Archaeological Institute/Roman-Germanic Commission in Frankfurt and at the University of Oslo. I was co-chair of the EAA working party AGE for the period 2009-2015.

Research interests

I am an archaeologist with broad interests in social and theoretical archaeology. My work has been traditionally focused on three interrelated areas: the archaeology of Argaric societies (Bronze Age in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula), the archaeology of gender and maintenance activities and the archaeology of funerary behaviour. More recently, I have added to my research interests historical archaeology and, most specifically, the archaeology of Iberian Early Modern Colonialism in the western Pacific.

Selected publications

Montón Subías S 2016, ‘Rezension zu: Ralph S (Ed.) The Archaeology of Violence, Interdisciplinary ApproachesGermania, 93, pp. 436-439.

Selected research activities

– Principal Coordinator in Cultura Material, Colonialismo y Género. Una perspectiva arqueológica (Material Culture, Colonialism and Gender. An Archaeological Perspective) and Principal Investigator in Cultura Material, Colonialismo y Género en el Pacífico. Una Aproximación desde la Arqueología Histórica (Material Culture, Colonialism and Gender in the Pacific. An approach from Historical Archaeology), HAR2016-77564-C2-1-P, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.

– Principal Investigator in ABERIGUA. Arqueología del Colonialismo Ibérico en Guam, Pacífico occidental (ABERIGUA. Archaeology of Iberian Colonialism in Guam, western Pacific), Fundación Palarq.

– Co-organizer of the ‘Archaeology Field School in the Mariana Islands’ (May 17-June 22), together with the University of Guam and the University of Hawai’i-Manôa.

– Co-director of the 2016 Casa Real Excavation, Guam.

– Scientist in Charge of FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF LEAP (Learning Archaeology through Presence).