Mario Nemirovsky is an ICREA Research Professor at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, where he has been since 2007. He received his PhD in ECE from University of California, Santa Barbara, in 1990. Presently he is conducting pioneering work in the area of IoT (Fog as plataform for IoT), Big Data, and Optical and Wireless NoCs. He holds 64 USA patents. Mario is a pioneer in multithreaded hardware-based processor architectures. During his tenure with the University of California, Santa Barbara, Mario co-authored some of the seminal works on simultaneous multithreading. Mario has made key contributions to other areas of computer architecture, including high performance, real-time, and network processors. He founded Miraveo Inc., Vilynx Inc., ConSentry Networks Inc., Flowstorm Inc. and XStream Logic Inc. Before that, he was a chief architect at National Semiconductor, PI Researcher at Apple Computers, and Chief Architect at Weitek Inc. and Delco Electronics, General Motors (GM).