Selected publications
– Bou-Habib P & Olsaretti S 2016, ‘Equality of resources and the demands of authenticity’, Critical Review Of International Social And Political Philosophy, 19, 4, 434 – 455.
– Olsaretti S 2016, ‘Review of K. Lippert-Rasmussen’s Born Free and Equal? A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of Discrimination’, Analysis, 76, 1, 111 – 113.
– Olsaretti S 2016, ‘Review of J. Fishkin´s Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity‘, Ethics, 126, 3, 821 – 825.
Selected research activities
The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy & Economics published ‘Justice, markets, and the family: an interview with Serena Olsaretti’, vol. 9, issue 2 (2016).
PI of ERC Consolidator Grant (648610) on ‘Justice and the Family: An Analysis of the Normative Significance of Procreation and Parenthood’.
Keynote speaker, Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, Belfast 1-3 July 2016.
Invited speaker at the Political Philosophy Speaker Seminar, University of Oxford (May 2016); Political Philosophy and Child Poverty Workshop, University of Salzburg (August 2016); 7th International Lauener Symposium on Analytical Philosophy, University of Bern (September 2016); Philosophy Speakers Seminar, Central European University, Budabest (October 2016).
Co-organiser (with P Casal and A Williams) of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy annual conference, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 1-3 June 2016.