Selected publications
– Armstrong ME, Andreu L, Esteve-Gibert N & Prieto P 2016, ‘Children’s processing of morphosyntactic and prosodic cues in overriding context-based hypotheses: an eye tracking study’, Probus, 28, 1, 57 – 90.
– Hualde JI & Prieto P 2016, ‘Towards an International Prosodic Alphabet’, Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 7(1):5, pp. 1-25.
– Roseano P, Gonzalez M, Borras-Comes J & Prieto P 2016, ‘Communicating Epistemic Stance: How Speech and Gesture Patterns Reflect Epistemicity and Evidentiality’, Discourse Processes, 53, 3, 135 – 174.
– Li F, González-Fuente S, Prieto P & Espinal MT 2016, ‘Is Mandarin Chinese a truth-based language? Rejecting responses to negative propositions’, Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1967.
– Astruc L, Vanrell MM & Prieto P 2016, ‘Cost of the action and social distance affect the selection of question intonation in Catalan’, Intonational grammar in Ibero-Romance. Approaches across linguistic subfields, ed. by Armstrong ME, Henriksen N & Vanrell MM, pp. 93-114. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
– Esteve-Gibert N, Liszkowski U & Prieto P 2016, ‘Prosodic and gestural features distinguish the intention of pointing gestures in child-directed communication’, Intonational grammar in Ibero-Romance. Approaches across linguistic subfields, ed. by Armstrong ME, Henriksen N & Vanrell MM, pp. 251-276, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
– Hübscher I, Wagner L & Prieto P 2016, ‘Young children’s sensitivity to polite stance expressed through audiovisual prosody in requests’, Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016, Boston, USA, May 31-June 3.
– Kushch O & Prieto P 2016, ‘The effects of pitch accentuation and beat gestures on information recall in contrastive discourse’, Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016, Boston, USA, May 31-June 3.