Dr. Gustavo A. Slafer (PhD, University of Melbourne) is ICREA Research Professor at the University of Lleida (Catalonia, Spain), where he is also Associate Professor of the Department of Crop & Forest Sciences. He is also currently (i) Honorary Professor of the School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, UK; (ii) Associate Editor of Crop Science and Euphytica; and (iii) member of the Editorial Boards of Field Crops Research, European Journal of Agronomy and Food and Energy Security. Until Dec. 2016 he has co-edited 6 scientific books, by publishers in USA and UK, and published 40 chapters in international books and 165 papers in international journals). His h-index at Dec. 2016 was 46 using WebOfScience (CoreCollection). He has been invited several times to deliver talks on different aspects of crop physiology in international conferences.