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Ramon Codina Rovira

ICREA Acadèmia 2011, 2016 & 2021

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · Engineering Sciences

Ramon Codina Rovira

I am Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), where I began my academic career in 1990 and I where am full professor since 2001. I teach courses on continuum mechanics, mechanics of structures and computational mechanics.

My research is concerned with the development, implementation and numerical analysis of finite element methods applied to physical problems in engineering, mainly in fluid mechanics. I have directed 22 doctoral theses and I have published over 177 articles in indexed scientific journals. Much of my research is motivated by technology transfer projects.

I have received several awards, among which the Prandtl Medal (2018), the ICREA Academia Award (2011, 2016 and 2021), the IACM Young Investigator Award (2004), the JL Lions Award to Young Scientists in Computational Mathematics (2000) and the Distinció de la Generalitat de Catalunya per a la Recerca  Universitˆària (2000).

Research interests

Design of numerical algorithms. Stabilized finite element schemes, approximate imposition of boundary conditions, fractional step schemes in time, eigen-problems, adaptivity, domain decomposition, coupling of multi-physics, and reduced order models.  My work ranges from the design of the numerical methods to their mathematical analysis. Reduced order models have been my most active area of research since 2017. Topology optimization and the application of artificial intelligence to computational mechanics are new research lines.

Physical applications and turbulence.  Numerical modeling of fluid-structure coupling, nonlinear solid mechanics, wave propagation phenomena, viscoelastic flows, shallow water flows, aero-acoustics, and radiation. The tools used are those mentioned in the first block. Viscoelastic and compressible flows have been my most active area of research since 2017 in this block.


finite element methods, stabilization, fractional step schemes, multi-physics problems, AI in computational mechanics

ICREA Memoir 2023