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Cristina Linares Prats

ICREA Acadèmia 2019

Universitat de Barcelona · Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

Cristina Linares Prats

Cristina Linares (Eivissa, 1976) is Full professor at the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences  at the University of Barcelona since 2020 and Researcher at the Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio). After earned her PhD in 2006 at the UB, she carried out research stays at several renowned international centres in France, USA and Australia. Finally, in 2012 with Ramon y Cajal fellow and since 2017 as Associate Professor, she set up her own research group working on the ecology and conservation of marine ecosystems, where she has supervised 7 PhD students. Her research group at the UB is composed by 5 postdocs, 3 PhD students, 3 technicians and a number of MSc and undergraduate students ( Currently, she is the head of the MedRecover group (2021 SGR 01073, composed by researchers from the UB, UdG, CEAB and ICM from CSIC.

Research interests

Her research interests mainly focused on understanding the responses of marine benthic ecosystems to global change. Her research is highly collaborative and combines long-term series data, experimental studies using in situ and aquaria experiments as well as modeling tools through demographic and spatial models.  Most of the results derived from hre research activity intended to contribute to the conservation of marine ecosystems and this is reflected in several activities of knowledge transfer to national and international entities and public administrations.


Marine Ecology, Conservation Biology, Global Change, Marine Protected Areas, Restoration

ICREA Memoir 2023