Marco Armiero

Marco Armiero

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Marco Armiero is an Icrea Research Professor at the Institute for the History of Science, Autonomous University of Barcelona. From 2019 to 2023, he served as the president of the European Society for Environmental History. While his roots lie in that field, he has developed a transdisciplinary research agenda that integrates environmental history with political ecology and environmental humanities.
Between 2013 and 2022, he directed the Environmental Humanities Laboratory in Stockholm, establishing it as a global player in the emerging field. His work encompasses themes such as the nationalization of nature, migrations and the environment, and environmental justice. Through his research, he has played a pivotal role in bridging environmental humanities and political ecology.

Research interests

My research clusters around three overarching topics: environmental justice; migrations and the environment; and fascism and nature. While thematically diverse, my research is traversed by a fil rouge giving coherence to those themes. Methodologically, I avoid any dichotomy between nature and society. Thematically, from toxicity to fascism, from migration to mountain communities, my research focuses on processes of expropriations and imposition of expert management of the environment and the resistance of subaltern communities. This friction manifests across my research: for instance, in the tension between urban planners and Italian migrants’ urban moral ecologies in the US; in the conflicts between experts’ science and grassroots knowledge in struggles over contamination and risk prevention; or in fascist repression of subaltern practices both in rural and urban ecologies. 

Selected publications

- Armiero M 2023, La tragedia del Vajont. Ecologia politica di un disastro, Einaudi, Torino.
- Armiero M & Bettini G 2023, 'Environmental changes, displacement and migration,' in The Cambridge History of Global Migrations, volume II Migrations, 1800-Present edited by M. J. Borges and M. Y. Hsu, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 422-439. 
- Armiero M & Pellow D 2023, 'Multispecies Alliances Against the Wasteocene', Topoi, vol. 24, n. 54, pp. 685-702. 
- Armiero M 2023, '12 questions to Marco Armiero', Gaia-ecological perspectives for science and society, vol. 32, no.3, 280 - 281.
- Armiero M 2023, Otpadocen, Buna, Tuzla (translation of the volume Wastocene. Stories form the Global Dump)
- Tappi A, Tébar Hurtado J, Armiero M & Soto Fernández D 2023, 'La perspectiva de la Historia Ambiental: de la sensibilidad verde a la radicalidad ecológica', Segle xx. Revista catalana d’història, 16, 272 -288.

Selected research activities

I am committed to fostering public engagement and dissemination through diverse activities aimed at reaching a wider audience. These include, among other things:
- My appearances on radio and television (Italian Public Television and Radio; Radio Popolare Network)
- The coordination of the Occupy Climate Change! graduate school, involving 80 students and 20 teachers
- Collaboration with the theater collective DOM
- Serving as the editor-in-chief of Resistance: A Journal of Radical Environmental Humanities
- Serving as president of the European Society for Environmental History (2019-2023)