Xavier Barril is an ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona, School of Pharmacy. His research focuses on the discovery of bioactive molecules exploiting new mechanisms of action and the development of computational methods to achieve this goal efficiently. He is a well-known expert in the field of structure-based drug discovery, with 100 scientific publications, 40 invited talks at international conferences and 15 supervised Doctoral theses. He is also listed in the top 2% of most cited researchers (Stanford Ranking). Prof. Barril has a strong focus on applied research, which has resulted in15 patents, two spin-off companies (Minoryx Therapeutics in 2011 and Oniria Therapeutics in 2021), and active participation in the private drug discovery sector (scientist at Vernalis 2002-2005 and part-time CTO at Gain Therapeutics 2018-2023).
As of 2024, Prof. Barril is on leave of absence and moved to Boehringer-Ingelheim's German research site.