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Albert Esteve Palós

ICREA Acadèmia 2021

Universitat Pompeu Fabra · Social & Behavioural Sciences

Albert Esteve  Palós

Albert Esteve demographer and researcher is director of the Center for Demographic Studies-CED and Professor at the Department of Sociology-UAB. He has done research stays at the U. of Minnesota, at the INED in Paris and at Princeton University. He has obtained funding for research from the Government's National R&D Plan, from the Generalitat of Catalonia, and from the different framework programs of the European Union. He has just obtained an ERC Advanced Grant CORESIDENCE. Investigates aspects related to demographics, marriage formation, marriage markets and the structure of households, both nationally and internationally. He has been the editor of the European Journal of Population and currently is the dean of the European Doctoral School in Demography in Barcelona.

Research interests

Over the last five years, my research has focused on two main areas: cross-national perspectives on family and household demography and harmonization of international census and survey microdata for social and demographic research. I highlight my cross-national research on the dynamics of marriage markets, the implications of the gender gap reversal in education for assortative mating, the rise of cohabitation and other family forms in the Americas, the relationship between education and age at union formation and childbearing, and global trends in living arrangements. I have done research on population dynamics in Spain focusing on its most pressing demographic challenges: low fertility, aging, and depopulation of rural areas. My work has been published in the top demographic journals.


population change, family demography, cross-national research, census and survey microdata harmonization

ICREA Memoir 2023