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Building an egalitarian

and sustainable future

A complex world

We live in a complex world that’s constantly evolving and presenting us with new challenges, from climate change to public health crises. Science provides us with a framework for understanding and tackling these challenges through research, helping us to build a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Committed Scientists

In today's world, scientists must be more committed than ever to using their knowledge and experience to find innovative solutions for society. At the same time, institutions need to provide a favourable environment that allows them to carry out their research with independence and integrity, free from political pressures or external influences that could compromise the quality of their work.

New paradigms of knowledge

At ICREA, over 270 committed researchers are advancing new paradigms of knowledge in multiple areas of science, including engineering, mathematics, medicine, social sciences and the humanities. Like the great thinkers of antiquity, they all share an inexhaustible passion for understanding the problems of our complex world.

Social & Behavioural Sciences
Experimental Sciences and Mathematics
Engineering Sciences
Life & Medical Sciences
Coming from abroad

Women at ICREA

Excellence and freedom for research

ICREA’s mission is to attract and retain outstanding scientists from around the world and help boost the impact and global visibility of Catalan universities and research centres.

ICREA researchers benefit from competitive conditions of employment and can pursue their work at the host institutions that are the best fit for their projects. An external, independent promotion committee evaluates each researcher’s performance regularly over the course of their career.

Full respect for freedom of research means scientists can generate new ideas and approaches that have the potential to transform society and help build a more egalitarian and sustainable future.

Citations and impact

One third of ICREA’s publications rank amongst the top 10% most cited worldwide

Top 1% most cited researchers worldwide by Clarivate

Source: Highly Cited Researchers TM, © 2023 Clarivate

Eduard Batlle

Eduard Batlle

IRB Barcelona

Esteve Corbera


Josep Dalmau

Josep Dalmau


Markus Donat


Frank Koppens

Frank Koppens


Ai Koyanagi

Ai Koyanagi


Josep Maria Llovet

Josep Maria Llovet


Marurizio Mencuccini

Maurizio Mencuccini


These are a few ICREA Research Professors who received awards in 2022

Salvador Aznar Benitah

Salvador Aznar Benitah

Premio de Investigación Biomédica de la Foundación Lilly

Quique Bassat

Quique Bassat

Medalla Narcís Monturiol

Roberto Emparan

Roberto Emparan García de Salazar

Medalla Narcís Monturiol

María Escudero

María Escudero Escribano

Miembro de la Academia Joven de España

Manel Esteller

Manel Esteller Badosa

Premio Constantes y Vitales a la Trayectoria Científica en Investigación Biomédica

Alexander Fidora Riera

Alexander Fidora Riera

Humboltd Research Award

Elena Galea

Elena Galea

Elected Member of the Academia Europaea

Maciej Lewenstein

Maciej Lewenstein

Premi Nacional de Recerca

Núria López-Bigas

Núria López-Bigas

ISCB Innovator Award

Núria Montserrat Pulido

Núria Montserrat Pulido

Premio Constantes y Vitales al Joven Talento en Investigación Biomédica

Rosemarie Nagel

Rosemarie Nagel

Fellow of the Econometric Society

Sílvia Osuna

Sílvia Osuna

EuChemS Lecture Award

Jelena Radjenović

Jelena Radjenović

Premi Nacional de Recerca al Talent Jove

Marta Reynal-Querol

Marta Reynal-Querol

Premio Rei Jaume I de Economía

Xavier Ros Oton

Xavier Ros Oton

Miembro de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España

Samuel Sánchez-Ordóñez

Samuel Sánchez-Ordóñez

Premi Fundació Banc Sabadell a les Ciències i l’Enginyeria

Sergey Tikhonov

Sergey Tikhonov

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award

Sergio Valenzuela

Sergio Valenzuela

Elected Member of the Academia Europaea

Peter Wagner

Peter Wagner

Elected Member of the Academia Europaea

Andreas Winter

Andreas Winter

Humboldt Research Award

ICREA’s impact in 2022

ERC grants awarded in 2022

(excluding the Proof of Concept scheme)

Advanced Grants

Mar Albà

Mar Albà

Life Sciences

Dan Brockington

Dan Brockington

Social Sciences and Humanities

Tess Knighton

Tess Knighton

Social Sciences and Humanities

Marta Reynal-Querol

Marta Reynal-Querol

Social Sciences and Humanities

Jordi Sort

Jordi Sort

Physical Sciences and Engineering

Niek van Hulst

Niek van Hulst

Physical Sciences and Engineering

Synergy Grants

Gustavo Deco

Gustavo Deco

Giorgos Kallis

Giorgos Kallis

Albert Pol

Albert Pol

Verena Ruprecht

Verena Ruprecht

María Victoria Sánchez Vives

María Victoria Sánchez Vives

Juan Valcárcel

Juan Valcárcel

One in four ICREAs has an active ERC grant


We strive to use our budget wisely, investing the funds with utmost care to make sure that our resources are directly turned into the best possible science. Here is a snapshot of our budget structure.


Download this summary in pdf

ICREA Memoir 2023