Xavier Costa Perez

Xavier Costa Perez

Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya

Engineering Sciences

Xavier Costa-Pérez is ICREA Research Professor and Scientific Director at the i2cat Research Center. His research focuses on the digital transformation of society driven by the interplay of mobile networks and AI. His team generates research results which are regularly published at top scientific venues, produces innovations which have received several awards for successful technology transfers, participates in major EC R&D projects and contributes to standardization bodies. He has served on the committees of several conferences, published papers of high impact and holds tenths of granted patents. He served as Editor at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Communications and Elsevier Computer Communications journals. Xavier received both his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Telecommunications from UPC. 

Research interests

The ever-wider availability of technologies such as mobile networks, artificial intelligence, cloud services, data analytics and ICT platforms is dramatically altering the way we live, work and interact – in what is usually referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The upcoming Beyond 5G disruptive technologies represent a key pillar for enabling this digital revolution unfolding around us. In contrast to previous mobile network generations, a key new aspect for the mobile industry moving forward is the need to expand the mobile ecosystem to also incorporate industry verticals like automotive, manufacturing, smart-grids and health. While early research and field-trials results are promising, The AI-driven automation of mobile networks for a cost-efficient digital transformation (DX) is still at its infancy and will require of a huge research effort to deliver on the DX promises in the next decades. 

Selected publications

- Lasierra O, Garcia-Aviles G, Municio E, Skarmeta A & Costa-Perez X 2023, 'European 5G Security in the Wild: Reality versus Expectations', Proceedings Of The 16th Acm Conference On Security And Privacy In Wireless And Mobile Networks, Wisec, 13-18.
- Rossanese M, Garcia-Saavedra A, Elena Lutu A & Costa Perez X 2023, 'Data-driven Analysis of the Cost-Performance Trade-off of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in a Production Network', Proceedings of the ACM on Networking, 1, 12, 1-20.
- Ayala-Romero JA, Garcia-Saavedra A, Costa-Perez X & Iosifidis G 2023, 'EdgeBOL: A Bayesian Learning Approach for the Joint Orchestration of vRANs and Mobile Edge AI', IEEE-ACM Transactions On Networking, 31, 6, 2978-2993.
- Lendinez A et al. 2023, 'Enhancing 5G-Enabled Robots Autonomy by Radio-Aware Semantic Maps', IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, MI, USA, 2023, pp. 6267-6272.
- Municio E, Garcia-Aviles G, Garcia-Saavedra A & Costa-Pérez X 2023, 'O-RAN: Analysis of Latency-Critical Interfaces and Overview of Time Sensitive Networking Solutions', IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 7, 3, 82-89.
- Romero A, Delgado C, Zanzi L, Li X & Costa-Perez X 2023, 'OROS: Online Operation and Orchestration of Collaborative Robots Using 5G', Ieee transactions on network and service management, 20 - 4 - 4216 - 4230.

- Rezazadeh F, Zanzi L, Devoti F, Chergui H, Costa-Perez X & Verikoukis C 2023, 'On the Specialization of FDRL Agents for Scalable and Distributed 6G RAN Slicing Orchestration', Ieee Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 72, 3, 3473 - 3487.

- Adamuz-Hinojosa O, Sciancalepore, V, Ameigeiras P, Lopez-Soler JM & Costa-Perez X 2023, 'A Stochastic Network Calculus (SNC)-Based Model for Planning B5G uRLLC RAN Slices', Ieee Transactions On Wireless Communications, 22, 2, 1250 - 1265.