Alexander Fidora

Alexander Fidora

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Alexander Fidora, born 1975 in Offenbach (Germany), studied philosophy at the University of Frankfurt. He obtained his PhD in 2003 at Frankfurt University, where he has been co-director of a DFG-research project. In 2006 he accepted a position at ICREA in the Department of Ancient and Medieval Studies of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he has been Executive Director of the Institute of Medieval Studies (until 2019). He has been a Visiting Professor at Saint Louis University, Universidad Panamericana in Mexico, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and University of Pennsylvania. His work has been distinguished with the "Premi Internacional Catalònia" (2011) and the "Samuel Toledano Prize" (2012). Co-editor of "Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval"; Secretary of "Arxiu de Textos Catalans Antics". Member of Academia Europaea.

Research interests

Fidora studies the intercultural dimensions of medieval thought and, in particular, the cultural contacts between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He focuses on medieval epistemology and the relations between philosophy and theology. His research interests include: Reception, interpretation and transformation of philosophical and theological translations from Arabic in medieval Europe; Latin philosophy into Hebrew; Polemics, controversial theology and interreligious dialogue in the Middle Ages; Consequences of the confrontation between the three religions of the Book for the formation of European cultural identity (ERC-Research Projects "Latin Philosophy into Hebrew" (2008-2012) and "The Latin Talmud" (2014-2019), now continued with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). 

Selected publications

- Fidora A 2022, 'The Trial of 1240 against the Talmud: A Reassessment of the Christian Account plus a New Edition', Sefarad 82/1, 7-29.

- A Fidora & N Polloni 2022, 'Ordering the Sciences: al-Fārābī and the Latinate Tradition', Ishraq. Islamic Philosophy Yearbook 10, 110-130.

- A Fidora 2022, 'Philology and Polemics in the Latin Talmud Dossier', in S Brentjes (ed.), Narratives on Translation across Eurasia and Africa, Turnhout: Brepols, 219-228.

- A Fidora 2022, 'Ramon Llull i la Bíblia: Exegesi i raó especulativa', in J Santanach, J Ferrer & S Dalemus Adroher (eds.), La Bíblia en la literatura catalana, Publicacions de l'ILCC, 101-121, Girona.

- A Fidora 2022, 'Kurt Flasch, hereu de l'escola lul·liana maguntina', in R Ramis (ed.), Ramon Llull y los lulistas (siglos XIV-XX), Madrid: Sindéresis, 1111-1118.

Selected research activities

Recipient of Alexander von Humboldt - J. C. Mutis Research Award 2022.

Co-organizer of the Workshop ‘Drets humans a nivell local: fonaments i tendències contemporànies’, 17-18/01/2022, UAB.

Co-organizer of the International Conference ‘Hasdai Crescas: Polemics, Tradition and Innovation’, 22-23/11/2022, UAB.

Organizer of the International Conference ‘Christian Readings of Rabbinic Sources in Polemic Contexts’, 12-13/12/2022, UAB.

Academic coordinator of the Class meetings of the Annual General Meeting of the Academia Europaea, 25-27/10/2022, Barcelona Knowledge Hub, PRBB.

Academic coordinator of the Disputatio of Barcelona 2022: ‘The Urban between History, Ecology and the Digital’, 15/112022, Barcelona Knowledge Hub – Academia Europaea, Barcelona City Council.

Appointed Liaison Professor of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. 

Invited lectures in Bamberg, Paris and Valladolid.