David Mateos

David Mateos

Universitat de Barcelona

Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

I was born in 1974 in Barcelona. I obtained my PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Barcelona in 2000. After that I enjoyed many years of wonderful postdoctoral life at Cambridge University, UK (2 years), Perimeter Institute, Canada (3 years) and University of California at Santa Barbara, USA (3 years). I am an ICREA Research Professor at the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Barcelona since July 2008. In 2012 I was awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (1.4 M€).

Research interests

My main goal is to understand the physics of the Universe at the most fundamental level. Our present understanding is based on two theories. General relativity is a classical theory that provides a good description of gravitational interactions at large, macroscopic scales. The other three interactions, the electromagnetic, the strong and the weak interactions, are unified in a quantum theory, the so-called Standard Model of elementary particles. The answers to many important questions in fundamental physics require a unified, quantum theory of all interactions; these questions include the quantum properties of black holes, cosmology and the origin of the Universe, particle physics beyond the Standard Model, etc. For this reason I work on string theory, a quantum theory that has the potential to describe all forces and particles in Nature in a single, unified framework.

Selected publications

– Bea Y, Casalderrey-Solana J, Giannakopoulos T, et al. 2023, ‘Holographic bubbles with Jecco: expanding, collapsing and critical (Sept, 008, 2022)‘, Journal Of High Energy Physics, 225.

Selected research activities

-AdS/CAP: A Holographic Approach to Cosmology and Astrophysics, “Rencontres Théoriciens,” Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France (June 2023).
-Holography in the Gravitational Wave Era
, “ICC Winter Meeting”, U Barcelona (Feb 2023).
-Holography in the Gravitational Wave Era, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen (Sep 2023).
-“Holography, Black Holes and Confinement”, organizer, U Barcelona (Jan 2023).
-“Quantum Fields and Gravity (Enric Verdaguer’s Fest)”, co-organizer, U Barcelona (Feb 2023).
-“Iberian Strings 2023”, member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Murcia, Spain (January 2023).
-Pablo Tejerina, “Gauge theory thermodynamics from spacetime geometry, and back” (June 2023).
-Alberto Revilla, “Holographic thermodynamics: beyond the conformal case” (June 2023).
-Edwan Preau, PhD, U. Sorbonne Paris Cite and U. Paris Diderot (Jun 2023).
-Diego Gutiez, PhD, U Oviedo (Sep 2024).
-“Frontiers of Theoretical Physics”, Master’s course, U Barcelona (Feb-March 2023).
-Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Cosmos Sciences at U Barcelona (since 2012).