Marta Reynal-Querol

Marta Reynal-Querol

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Social & Behavioural Sciences

Marta Reynal-Querol is an ICREA Research Professor at the Department of Economics and Business at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Research Professor  and Affiliated Professor of the BSE,  and Director of the Master in Economics at UPF. She is the Director of IPEG. She is a Research Fellow at the CEPR, and at the CEsifo and a Full Member at the EUDN. She is Fellow of the EEA. She was member of the Council of the EEA between 2011 and 2015. She is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Conflict Resolution. She won an ERC-Advanced grant in 2022, and ERC-Consolidator grant in 2014 and also an ERC-Starting grant obtained in the first call. She is “Premio Jaume I de Economía 2022”. She won the Banco Herrero prize 2011 awarded annually to a Spanish Social Scientist under 40 years old.  She worked at the World Bank between 2001 and 2005. She holds a Ph. D. in Economics from the LSE (2001) and a Master with Honors from UPF.

Research interests

My main research interest is the study of the causes and consequences of conflict. I analyzed the relationship between religious and ethnic fractionalization, polarization, and conflict and development. I have also worked on the effectiveness of foreign aid and on the relationship between poverty and civil war and on the study of the institutional designs that may prevent or mitigate, such social conflicts. In particular I construct a database on the characteristics of leaders over the 20th century and  I investigated whether there are systematic differences in the type of leaders that can explain the economic development of countries. More recently I am using administrative data on the first colonizers of Latin America to reexamine the issue of institutions versus human capital in the explanation of economic development and conflict. Moreover I am starting a line of research on the analysis of Development and Conflict using Big Data. In particular I am working on the construction of new measures of inequality.

Selected research activities

Member of the IEA Executive Committee, June 2017-December 2023
Research Professor, BSE, since December 2016;
Fellow of the EEA since 2015;
Research Fellow CEPR since 2012;
Full Member EUDN (European Development Network) since 2012;
Research Fellow CESifo, since 2013;
Editorial Board, Journal of Conflict Resolution, March 2007-present.
ERC-Advanced Grant (2022-2027)
Co-PI of the Spanish National Science Foundation Grant, PID2020-120118GB-I00
Co-organizer of the workshop “Political Economy of Development and Conflict”
Invited: State of the Art Session, in the EEA annual Meeting, Barcelona
Key Note at the CESC, Barcelona.
Invited speaker at the 11th Economics day on “Political leaders”, Lyon.
Invited speaker at the ERC workshop, LISER, Belval, Luxembourg.
Director of IPEG, since December 2016
Director of the Master in Economics (BSE-UPF), since September 2012