Xavier Trepat

Xavier Trepat

Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Engineering Sciences

Xavier Trepat received a BSc in Physics in 2000 and a BSc in Engineering in 2001. In 2004 he obtained his PhD from the Medical School at the University of Barcelona. He then joined the Program in Molecular and Integrative Physiological Sciences at Harvard University as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2008 he became a "Ramón y Cajal" researcher at the University of Barcelona and in January 2011 an ICREA Research Professor at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC). He is Group Leader of the Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics research line at IBEC. In 2015, he won the Banc de Sabadell Award for Biomedical Research and, in 2021, the "Constantes y Vitales" award from A3Media. In 2018, he was elected EMBO Member.

Research interests

We aim at understanding how physical forces and molecular control modules cooperate to drive biological function. We develop new technologies to map and perturb the main physical properties that determine how cells and tissues grow, move, invade and remodel. By combining this physical information with systematic molecular perturbations and computational models we explore the principles that govern the interplay between chemical and physical cues in living tissues. We study how these principles are regulated in physiology and development, and how they are derailed in cancer.

Selected publications

Trepat X & Alert R 2023, ‘How to bridge the gap between theory and experiments in biological physics‘ Nature Physics, 19, 12, 1738–1739.
Barbazan J, Pérez-González C, Gómez-González M, Dedenon M, Richon S, Latorre E, Serra M, Mariani P, Descroix S, Sens P, Trepat X &, Vignjevic DM 2023, ‘Cancer-associated fibroblasts actively compress cancer cells and modulate mechanotransduction‘, Nature Communications, 14, 1, 6966.
– Abenza JF, Rossetti L, Mouelhi M, Burgués J, Andreu I, Kennedy K, Roca-Cusachs P, Marco S, García-Ojalvo J, & Trepat X 2023, ‘Mechanical control of the mammalian circadian clock via YAP/TAZ and TEADJournal of Cell Biology, 222, 9, e202209120.
– Marín-Llauradó A, Kale S, Ouzeri A, Golde T, Sunyer R, Torres-Sánchez A, Latorre E, Gómez-González M, Roca-Cusachs P, Arroyo M, & Trepat X 2023, ‘Mapping mechanical stress in curved epithelia of designed size and shape‘, Nature Communications, 14, 1.
– Matejci M & Trepat X 2023, ‘Mechanobiological approaches to synthetic morphogenesis: learning by building‘, Trends In Cell Biology, 3, 2, 95-111.
– Pallarès ME, Pi-Jauma I, Fortunato IC, Grazu V, Gomez-Gonzalez M, Roca-Cusachs P, de la Fuente JM, Alert R, Sunyer R, Casademunt J & Trepat X 2023, ‘Stiffness-dependent active wetting enables optimal collective cell durotaxis‘, Nature Physics, vol. 19, pp 279-289