Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, URV. UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy. MSc (1988) and PhD (1991) in Computer Science, Autonomous University of Barcelona. M. Sc. in Mathematics (1995). Distinguished Scientist, ACM (2016). Fellow, Institut d’Estudis Catalans (2016); Google Faculty Research Award (2014); ICREA Academia (2008 and 2013); Narcís Monturiol Medal (2012); Elected Member, Academia Europaea (2012) and Intl. Statistical Institute (2012); Fellow, IEEE (2011). Author of 5 patents and 400 publications (H-index=48, Feb. 2017). In world’s top 1% cited computer scientists (Thomson-Reuters ESI). Chairman of 17 intl. conferences and program committee member of 281 conferences on privacy and security. Co-Editor-in-Chief of “Transactions on Data Privacy” and Associate Editor of four intl. JCR journals. Invited professor, Cambridge University (2016), NUI-Maynooth (2015), Beihang University (2015) and Università di Roma 3 (2011). Visiting Fellow, Princeton University (2004).

Josep Domingo-Ferrer
ICREA Academia 2008 & 2013
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Engineering Sciences

Research interests
His research interests are in data privacy, data security and cryptographic protocols. His work revolves around conciliating security, transparency, functionality and privacy in the information society. He is a reference expert in data anonymization, which a current focus on anonymization of big data. He has created and promotes the concept of co-utility, which can be phrased as designing protocols so that mutual help is the best rational option in peer-to-peer interactions. He currently coordinates the H2020 project “CLARUS” on cloud privacy and the “CO-UTILITY” project funded by Templeton World Charity Foundation. He has coordinated the CONSOLIDER “ARES” team on security and privacy, the FP5 project “CO-ORTHOGONAL” and several Spanish funded and U.S. funded research projects.
Data security, Data privacy, Cryptography, Official statistics