Eduard Llobet (Barcelona, 1967) is a full professor of Electronics. He got his PhD in Telecom Eng in 1997 from UPC and then joined the Sensor Research Lab (UWarwick, UK) for a one-year postdoc. Invited researcher at the CNRS-IMS in Bordeaux in 2006 and 2014, the Institut Pascal (Aubière) and the Burgundy Molecular Chemistry Institute (Dijon) in 2016. Director of the Research Centre EMaS (2012-2014). He is currently President of the Spanish Network on nanotechnology and microsystems and vice-president of the IEEE Spanish Sensor Chapter. He has authored some 200 papers at peer-reviewed journals (5600 citations) and 6 patents. He serves on the scientific committees of the major world conferences on sensors and has presented over 25 invited lectures. Expert evaluator for different research agencies throughout Europe, he belongs to the IEEE, ACS, ISOCS and the American Nano Society. In 2012 he received the URV’s RQR Award for research and an ICREA Academia.

Eduard Llobet
ICREA Academia 2012
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Engineering Sciences

Research interests
He is currently addressing the fabrication of sensor arrays employing low-dimensional metal oxides and/ or functionalized carbon nanomaterials. Cost-effective and industrially scalable methods such as chemical vapour deposition or aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition are considered for bottom-up integration in MEMS or flexible platforms. The applications sought are (i) sensitive and selective gas microsensors for environmental monitoring, medicine or safety and (ii) heterogeneous catalysis. Advanced characterisation and modelling techniques are used to understand the materials in depth, to gain insight into gas sensing, catalytic properties and mechanisms, and finally to establish structure-performance relationships.Additionally, he is addressing smart anodization strategies for obtaining nanostructured materials aimed at producing sustainable energy.
Gas sensor microsystems, carbon nanotubes, nanoporous alumina, signal processing