Born in Reus in 1959, I graduated in History and Geography and did my PhD at the University of Barcelona under the supervision of Dr Horacio Capel. I obtained a research grant from the University of Lausanne (1984 – 1986) and I was a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge (in 2006 and 2011). I am currently Professor of Human Geography at the University of Lleida where I have taught since 1990. I am currently leading several research projects, most of which are funded by the European Union, with one of particular interest focusing on the Teaching of European Integration in Secondary Schools.

Jordi Martí Henneberg
ICREA Academia 2012
Universitat de Lleida (UdL) · Humanities

Research interests
I aim to improve our knowledge and understanding of Europe from the mid-19th century until the present day from a geographical perspective. To do this, together with my team and other associated groups, I have established a georeferenced database that includes changes in regional boundaries, population density, regional GDP and transport infrastructures. This involves using different scales, ranging from the European to the very detailed level of the municipality, and working with data collected from the census series of each country.
Geography, History, Transportation, GIS, Europe