Joan Maria Thomàs (Palma, 1953) BA (UB) and PhD (UAB) in Contemporary History. Visiting Researcher at Georgetown and Wisconsin-Madison. Visiting Professor at LSE and universities of China, India, Israel, Australia and New Zealand. Awarded with the Narcís Monturiol Science &Technology Medal 2015, the City of Barcelona History Award 1992, and the “Serra d’Or” Critics Award 1993. Credited as a full professor. Currently Principal Researcher of the project entitled “United States, Japan, Germany and Great Britain during the Second World War and the First Postwar (1945-1953): New Perspectives” (HAR2012-30848). Author of ten research books as a sole author, seventeen as a co-author, and articles. Conducts his research through ISOCAC. He is also member, among others, of the Editorial Board of “Journal of Contemporay History”, "SEGLE XX. Revista Catalana d'Història" and "Comillas Internatonal Journal".

Joan Maria Thomàs
ICREA Academia 2013
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Humanities

Research interests
US policy towards Spain during the Second World War and the First Postwar. Francoist regime single party, and political history of Francoism. Pro-Japanese Government of China,Chiang Kai Shek’s China, Nazi Germany, Spain and Portugal and the struggle for war strategic materials during World War II.
Fascism, Francoism, Francoist Single-party, US-Spain Relations, Spanish Civill War, Second Wold War, Strategic materials