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Núria Fagella Rabionet

ICREA Acadèmia 2020

Universitat de Barcelona · Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

Núria Fagella Rabionet

Núria Fagella received her Ph.D. in 1995 at Boston University under the supervision of Robert. L. Devaney. She is now a Full professor at Universitat de Barcelona and the leader of the research group in Holomorphic Dynamics at UB, working in complex dynamical systems and fractals. She was a Chern Professor at MSRI (Berkeley) during .

She supervised 5 Ph.D. students and several postdoctoral fellows. She was a plenary speaker at more than 70 international conferences and organized several of them. She was invited to give courses and seminars at leading institutions. 

Jointly with Bodil Branner (DTU, Denmark) she is the author of the book  "Quasiconformal surgery in holomorphic dynamics", Cambridge University Press (2014). She has published over 50 research papers in leading journals including Invetiones Mathematicae., Advances in Mathematics, Transactions of the AMS, Proceedings of the LMS or Communications in Mathematical Physics.


Research interests

I work in Dynamical Systems, a wide field which connects different areas of mathematics but it also links mathematics to real life problems in many areas of science and technology . 

My expertise resides in studying dynamical systems from a complex (as opsosed to real) point of view, an area known as complex dynamics, at the intersection between dynamics, complex analysis and topology. Locating an analyzing different types of invariant objects like stable equilibria of these systems (attracting fixed or periodic obits) and the boundaries of their basins of attraction (often fractals known as Julia sets) is a central problem in dynamics, and is at the core of my research. These fractals present many challenges to researchers in complex analysis, topology, geometry and even number theory.

In recent years, my focus has been on the global dynamics of Newton's method, the general theory of meromorphic maps and  applications to mathematical biology. 


Dynamical systems, iteration, complex variable, Julia set, Fatou set, fractal geometry, bifurcations, chaos

ICREA Memoir 2023