Rocio Da Riva (Madrid 1972). I got my PhD in Assyriology at the University of Würzburg, Germany (2002). I have been conducting research in First Millennium BCE Babylonia: editing and studying cuneiform texts in different museums and tablet collections in Europe, America and the Middle East; and conducting archaeological field-work in the Middle East. I have published several monographs and articles on topics related to the political and social history of 1st millennium Babylonia. I have also edited the corpus of the Neo-Babylonian royal inscriptions, opening up a new line of investigation in the Assyriological discipline. I have conducted research in several European and North-American institutions during stays of varying lengths of time. I have also been invited to give lectures and seminars in several universities and research centres worldwide and I have participated in the main conferences of my field. I am member of scientific societies in Europe and the Near East.

Rocío Da Riva
ICREA Academia 2008 & 2014
Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Humanities

Research interests
My main research activity is in the field of Assyriology, and my research interest is 1st Millennium BCE Near East. I am preparing an edition of unpublished ritual texts from the British Museum dealing with temples in first Millennium BCE Babylonia. This research is based on the collaboration established since 1999 with the Department of Oriental Studies of the University of Würzburg, my Alma Mater, and with the School of Oriental and African Studies of London. I am also the director of the archaeological expedition at the site of Sela (Jordan), in collaboration with the Directorate of Antiquities of Jordan. I am the author of several publications on topics related to historiography, Babylonian poetry and literature, etc. I am currently preparing an electronic edition of the Neo-Babylonian Royal Inscriptions. I am also interested in historiography of the Archaeology during the I World War.
Assyriology, Archaeology, Ancient Near East, Mesopotamia, Cuneiform